
Premium Content for Insurance Claims Professionals

Written for Adjusters, Vice Presidents, Directors and Managers of Insurance Claims

7 Tips to Increase Collaboration in Your Claims Department

Teamwork and collaboration play an important role in a productive claims department. Take the steps to break down barriers between teams, open up communication, and make them feel like they’re a part of the team.

But before we dive into what you can do to enable a more collaborative claims department, let’s consider the needs of the individual claims professional.

What do your employees want out of a more collaborative work environment?

Appreciation - it feels good to be thanked for our expertise or contributions. Speak from the heart, be authentic, and do so in the moment where possible.

Inclusion - ask their opinion and involve them in team decisions, make sure they feel heard. Teamwork doesn’t work if they’re not a part of the team.

Sympathy - if someone is going through a hard time, show them you care. They need a team who can support them, who can carry them get through hardships.

With the needs of your claims professionals in mind, you can begin to take steps that empower them, enable them, and encourage them to be more collaborative.


1. Start with a team-based structure

When teams operate in silos, it doesn’t just hinder collaboration, it makes it significantly more difficult to achieve. Break down barriers between teams to open up communication and create more opportunities for collaboration.


2. The importance of culture

In a more collaborative work environment, your team needs to feel comfortable with their colleagues and managers. Open and honest conversations are what fuels collaboration.

If your team doesn’t feel comfortable voicing their opinions or sharing their ideas, that defeats the purpose.

  • Hire claims professionals who share the values of your organization and team.
  • Remove toxic employees, even if they are high performers. The good of the team will always outway the performance of an individual.

3. Share the big picture

Any high-performing team needs a shared purpose; a vision that unites them.

Without that sense of purpose, your team may not understand the reason behind their tasks. They may be misguided in their actions and become frustrated as a result. Make sure team members understanding the role they play and the impact they have on the organization.


4. Set common goals

Even if team members can see the vision, you need a set of common goals that unite them. Otherwise, they can work toward achieving goals, but won’t know how to do so together. Shared goals will require them to communicate and collaborate in a productive manner.


5. Motivate & unite

Once barriers to communication have been removed, collaboration can be encouraged through shared incentives. Common goals can only be achieved through teamwork. Incentivizing the completion of a goal before a deadline will encourage them to get it done.

You may find that some team members will have to pick up the slack for underperformers. Incorporate an additional incentive for overachievers to prevent a rift from forming in your team.


6. Communication is key

What sets apart good teams from great ones is effective communication. Mutual understanding and respect play an important role here. Do team members point blame when something goes wrong or do they put their heads together to solve it?


7. Be a leader

Don’t forget, you’re a part of the team! Be a mentor; take them under your wing and support them. Provide resources, challenge them, and help them advance in their career. 

Make yourself available to them, but more importantly, make sure they feel comfortable coming to you for support.

But if they have room for improvement, then so do you. Look to your team for feedback, ask what you can be doing better. Be the leader they need you to be, not the one you think you should be.


Collaboration starts at the top

It starts with you. It’s how your team sees you interact with them, their colleagues, and other leaders in the organization. They will look to you for support and guidance, so lead by example.


How can we help?

US Claim Solutions is here to service your claims, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nationwide. We bring extensive knowledge and expertise in both field and desk adjusting.

Email us at or give us a call at (888) 701-1153.




Written by Greg Church

President, US Claim Solutions

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